Sadie's Gathering

A Little Dab of This & A Little Dash of That

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What We Can Learn From This Photo

I am still in awe over the photographer, Martin Le-May's ability to capture this image.

You learn after reading a bit that this wasn't a case of mismatched pals on a joy flight; the weasel was attacking the woodpecker, hoping for a meal.  The quoted wildlife expert explained, "the female weasel weighs less than a Mars Bar, but is ferocious as a lion."


I think there's a lot of inspiration to be taken, given the facts.

From the Woodpecker's perspective:

~Never underestimate the element of surprise.

~Know your assets; don't be afraid to use them.

~ Cute and cuddly (as is "pretty" or "handsome") are descriptions of the physical; not the character.

~When in doubt, go for the loop de loop.  Weasel vomit washes off.

~When you see a chance, take it. 

~Never give up; it's not over until it's over.

~Do whatever it takes to fly another day.

From the Weasel's perspective:

~Know what you want, and go after it.

~Hold onto your dreams.

Monday, September 16, 2024

25 Things You'll Need to Know After High School! Wise Words for 2024!

     This post was of the Ann Landers column of The Chicago Tribune.  I think it was written by Esther "Eppie" Lederer; whose pen name was Ann Landers.  She was the twin sister of Pauline Phillips, who was of Dear Abby!

     Though it was written in 1997, twenty seven years later, I think it’s still important for each and everyone to know!


Thursday, August 8, 2024


© Susan Jaye 2023

     On August 7th I was looking through emails, and got an email from VIKING GOODS.  

They are a great t-shirt company with unique cute t-shirt!  

     Just as if we were back in the Viking days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

     Viking Goods~> GREAT OCTOPUS SHIRTS!  (Link to Viking Goods website)

    If you like octopi as much as I do... get one of the great Viking Goods t-shirts for the official Octopus Holiday!!!  That fittingly is on the 8th in OCTOBER!!! 

    Just in case you'd like to know all of the are some fun sites!  There's also more to see and read about octopi! 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

LIKE MOJITOS? Here's some great options! HAPPY SUMMER!!!

Like Mojitos? 

This photo, is,  my easy, peasy, Mojito Slushy!!! 

There are recipes for... Mojito Punch; my Mojito Slushy, and, Aunt Mary's Bourbon Slushy! 

Easy Peasy Mojito Slushy!


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July!

Copyright 2014 Susan Jaye

"We hold these truths, to be self-evident; 
that all humans are created equal.  
That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are 
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Since now, it's 248 years later...
we've hopefully learned that WE ALL ARE CREATED EQUAL!
We need to enable ALL to pursue, 

Here's my hub's cartoons; to help the pursuit of laughs

I'm wishing all of you, a safe, fun, and 
Happy Independence Day!

Please make contribution!  Greatly appreciate! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Copyright 2016 Susan Jaye


          As I have written quite a bit before, it's been awhile since I've regularly written on my blog.  I started the blog in 2013.
          One of my first posts was The Perks of Being Fired.  

         Even since I was younger, I've written, bartended, cooked, made jewelry, and spent as much time as I can with all my loved ones.  
      As I hope that most of us know by now; I was told by my family, when I was younger: 

      Tomorrow is nobody's promise; you must keep your sense of humor, and do your best to look on the bright side. 
     No matter what gender, what nationality, what race, what religion, we all bleed red, and we are all born, then hopefully love, laugh, learn, live, then... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Copyright 2002~ Susan Jaye

     This photo above, is from one of my trips to Paris.  Which that trip, was our honeymoon! 

     So, I'm gonna try to do more now, on Sadie's Gathering!  
     As my one career dream is writing, I will greatly appreciate any contributions from readers.  
     The "button" to make $ contributions is up on the right.  "DONATE"  Thank you, very much in advance!

      I'm finishing this post with a few of my cloud photos.  I love clouds! 
     No matter how different; they are mind blowing!

Just like clouds, all humans are different; yet all of us are important!

Have a great day!